The Luminescence in Self Activated and Sm3+ rich Garnet Phosphor Sr2NaZn2V3O12 prepared by Solid-State Reaction


  • Ganesh Vandile Shri Mathuradas Mohota College of Science, Nagpur-440009, India
  • D. V. Nandanwar Shri Mathuradas Mohota College of Science, Nagpur-440009, India
  • A. K. Nandanwar J. M. Patel Arts, Commerce & Science College, Bhandara-441904, India
  • D. W. Akhare Shri Mathuradas Mohota College of Science, Nagpur-440009, India



Luminescence, garnet phosphor, vanadate garnet phosphor, Sr2NaZn2V3O12:Sm3+


A new self-activated vanadate garnet phosphor Sr2NaZn2V3O12 and doped with Sm3+ vanadate garnet phosphor Sr2NaZn2V3O12 were produced by a simple conventional solid-state reaction that calcined for six hours at 950 degrees Celsius and then left to cool to room temperature. Vanadate garnet phosphor is utilized for high-performance tasks because of its excellent strength and hardness. The single phase garnet structures in the prepared materials have been verified by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Rietveld polishing. The behaviors of rare earth-doped luminescence and self-activated luminescence have been thoroughly examined. The prepared Sr2NaZn2V3O12 compound was observed a wide-band at wavelength of 485 in visible region of greenish emission that originates due to VO43− emission. With lifetime measurement and photoluminescence (PL), In Sr2NaZn2V3O12: Sm3+ garnet-type phosphors, the energy transfer characteristics from VO43− (vanadate) to Sm3+ (samarium trivalent) ions have been shown. While excitation was reported at 485 nm for vanadate garnet phosphor and 601 nm for samarium-rich garnet phosphor, the produced materials were excited by 338 nm for vanadate and 405 nm for Sm3+ rich phosphor. Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the topography and morphology. The findings suggest that Sm3+ doped Sr2NaZn2V3O12 garnet phosphors and self-activated Sr2NaZn2V3O12 exhibit significant promise for use in near-UV stimulated white LEDs.


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How to Cite

Vandile G, Nandanwar DV, Nandanwar AK, Akhare DW. The Luminescence in Self Activated and Sm3+ rich Garnet Phosphor Sr2NaZn2V3O12 prepared by Solid-State Reaction. J. Cond. Matt. [Internet]. 2025 Mar. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];2(02):104-9. Available from:



Research Article
