About the Journal
The Journal of Condensed Matter (JCM) is a scholarly, peer-reviewed, and fully refereed open access research journal published twice a year in the English language, that welcomes papers on all aspects of Physics. Topics may include, but are not limited to: Nano Materials, Phase Transition, Semiconductor & Dielectric Material, Photonic materials & Plasmonics, Single Crystals & Noval Materials, Organic, Inorganic & Biomaterials, Glasses & Ceramics, Composites, Surface, Interface & Thin Films, Electronic Structure & Phonons, Superconductivity, Magnetism & Spintronics, Structural-dynamical and mechanical properties, Computational methods and Applied Physics. JCM welcomes regular papers, short papers, review articles, etc. The journal reviews papers within three-six weeks of submission and publishes accepted articles online immediately upon receiving the final versions. All the papers in the journal are freely accessible as online full-text content and permanent worldwide web link. The article will be indexed and available in major academic international databases. JCM welcomes you to submit your research for possible publication in JCM through our online submission system. JOURNAL PARTICULARS Title : Journal of Condensed Matter (Online) |