Investigation of blue shift phenomena and dielectric behaviour with the concentration of Co doped in ZnS nanoparticles
Cobalt-doped ZnS, Photo luminance, Band-gap, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), AC conductivityAbstract
In this work undoped Zinc Sulphide (ZnS) nanoparticles (NPs) and doped with Cobalt (Co) having dopant concentration 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% have been synthesized by hydrothermal method, in which ethylenediamine (EDA) has used as capping agent. An investigation has been made on the changes of structural, optical, molecular as well as electrical properties, occurs due to doping. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns reveal the idea about formation of samples with crystalline nature having intense peaks which are consistent with the primary cubic phase of zinc blend and nano-sized particles. None of any peak corresponding to doped material Co was noticed which means the Co ions had been incorporated successfully without vast modulating the original crystal structure. In association with hexagonal phase was found due to weak signature of ZnS. It has been pointed out from UV-Visible spectra the value of optical gap energy is a function of Cobalt concentration and quantum confinement process occurred. The occurrence of blue shift phenomena has been confirmed by the observed variation of the optical gap range between 4.01 to 4.79 eV. FTIR spectra showed ZnS characteristics frequency band position did not exhibit any distinguished change with doping what acknowledged the Co was well substitution of Zn into ZnS NPs. In photo luminance (PL) spectra the PL intensity did respond appreciable with modifying the Co concentration. The agglomerated NPs with almost spherical shaped and elemental compositions with stoitiometric ratios were confirmed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images and Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) spectra respectively. Measured values of AC conductivity increases with Co concentration at higher frequency range which may make these materials useful at high frequency regime. Therefore, conclusion can be done, these studied ZnS doped with Co materials can show their applicability in spinotronics and photo luminescent devices.
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