Chemical and Green Synthesis of CuO Nanoparticles using Carica papaya leaf Extract: Structural and Optical properties


  • Dr. Ingalagondi P K Department of Physics, Government First Grade College for Women, Davanagere-570 004, Karnataka, India.
  • Dr. K.Mruthunjaya Department of Pharmacognosy, JSS College of Pharmacy, Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mysuru-570 015, Karnataka, India.
  • Dr.S.M.Hanagodimath Department of Physics, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi – 585 106, Karnataka, India.
  • Dr. N. C. Horti Department of Physics, S.S. Government First Grade College and P.G Study Centre, Nargund -582 207, Karnataka, India.



Copper oxide, Carica papaya leaf extract, Chemical and green synthesis, Optical properties


This article describes the synthesis of CuO nanoparticles through a two different synthesis routes, namely a chemical co-precipitation and green synthesis route using Carica papaya leaf extract and their optical properties. The samples were investigated for their structural and optical properties through X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transfer infrared, UV absorption, photoluminescence and time resolved spectroscopy. The XRD spectra of both samples demonstrate the CuO crystallizes in a monoclinic phase with particle sizes ranging from 20-25 nm. SEM pictures of samples showed the highly agglomerated and spherical particles are formed. The peaks in FTIR spectra are located between 600-1000 cm-1, confirming the formation of CuO phase. The observed shift in UV absorption edge and PL peak of both samples is the result of size quantization and various surface defects. The carrier life time study of both samples revealed the recombination rate of exciton depend on particle size and surface defects. The results of this study indicates CuO is an alternative material for solar cell and optoelectronic devices.

Author Biographies

Dr. Ingalagondi P K, Department of Physics, Government First Grade College for Women, Davanagere-570 004, Karnataka, India.

Dr.Ingalagondi P K, is presently Associate Professor in Physics at Government First Grade College for Women, Davanagere, Karnataka, India. I had completed his M.Sc., M.Phil, and Ph.D. from Gulbarga University, Kalburagi, Karnataka, India. My current research interest is photo-physical properties of coumarin dyes and optical properties of nanomaterials. I have published 10 research articles in reputed peer reviewed journals and more than 10 research articles in conference proceedings.

Dr. K.Mruthunjaya, Department of Pharmacognosy, JSS College of Pharmacy, Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mysuru-570 015, Karnataka, India.

K. Mruthunjaya, is presently A professor of pharmacognosy at the School of Life Sciences in Mysore, Karnataka, India. He has completed Received a Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharma) from Gulbarga University in 1997 and received a Master of Pharmacy in Pharmacognosy from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences in 1999, Karnataka, India. He has completed his doctoral degree in Pharmacognosy from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences in 2009. His current research interest is biological properties of antioxidant herbs. He has published 90 research articles in reputed peer reviewed journals and more than 10 research articles in conference proceedings.

Dr.S.M.Hanagodimath, Department of Physics, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi – 585 106, Karnataka, India.

S M Hanagodimath is a Professor in the Department of Physics at Gulbarga University, specializing in condensed matter physics, with a focus on energy transfer and quenching studies in organic liquid scintillators; he holds a M.Sc and Ph.D in the field, and has received recognition like the Unfors Raysafe Award of Excellence for a radiation measurement article in the Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics.His current research interest is Condensed matter physics, with emphasis on energy transfer and quenching mechanisms in organic liquid scintillators. He received the Unfors Raysafe Award of Excellence for a published article on radiation measurements in the Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics.  He has published more 100 research articles in reputed peer reviewed journals and 10 research articles in conference proceedings.

Dr. N. C. Horti, Department of Physics, S.S. Government First Grade College and P.G Study Centre, Nargund -582 207, Karnataka, India.

Dr.N.C.Horti is presently working as Lecturer in Physics at S.S.Government First Grade College, Nargund, Karnataka, India. He has completed his M.Sc from Karnatak University, Dharwad, and doctoral (Ph.D) degree from Visvesvaraya Techonological University, Belagavi. Karnataka . India. His current research interest is optical properties of nanomaterials and polymer nanocomposites including humidity sensing and supercapacitor application of metal oxide nanomaterials. He has published 9 research articles in reputed peer reviewed journals 03 research articles in conference proceedings. He has attended many national and international conferences


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How to Cite

P K DI, Mruthunjaya K, Hanagodimath S, Horti N. Chemical and Green Synthesis of CuO Nanoparticles using Carica papaya leaf Extract: Structural and Optical properties. J. Cond. Matt. [Internet]. 2025 Mar. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];2(02):12-9. Available from:



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