A Comprehensive Review of Natural Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites
Composite Materials, Natural Fibre-Reinforced Composites, Environmental Suitability, Fibre Matrix Adhesion, Sustainable AlternativesAbstract
The idea of composite materials is introduced in this article, with an emphasis on composites made of natural fibres and polymers. Composites are made up of various elements or phases that significantly affect the material's general characteristics. The matrix, the continuous phase, is typically made up of ceramics, metals, or polymers. Natural fibres that provide strength and stiffness make up the reinforcement component in natural fibre-reinforced composites. These composite materials have uses in the consumer goods, packaging, sports, and construction industries, in addition to providing environmental advantages. The paper presents a review of the literature on the creation and characterization of composites reinforced by natural fibres. To improve the mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties of the composites, numerous studies have looked at various kinds of natural fibres, surface modifications, coupling agents, and processing methods. The benefits and drawbacks of using natural fibres in composites are discussed in the article. It gives a general overview of how natural fibre-reinforced polymer composites have evolved and what uses they might have in the future. The article highlights current research initiatives and difficulties in enhancing the performance and compatibility of natural fibres with polymer matrices. The research advances the use of natural fibre composites as environmentally friendly substitutes across a range of industries by fostering a better understanding of their advantages and disadvantages.
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