
Research Article


Journal of Condensed Matter

2024 Volume 2 Number 1 Jan - Jun

Synthesis and Luminescence Studies of Eu2+ doped MgSiO3 Inorganic Phosphors for Energy Storage Phosphors

Nande A1

1 Amol Nande, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Guru Nanak College of Science, Ballarpur, Maharashtra, India.

The inorganic luminescence materials are widely studies for several applications including displays, light emitting didoes, energy storage etc. In this research work, the authors have synthesized MgSiO3:Eu2+ inorganic phosphor using modified solid state reaction method. The prepared samples were sent for photoluminescence to study emission and excitation properties. The emission and excitation properties show broad peak which are suitable for long lasting luminescence behaviour. Thus, this material can be a good candidate for energy or data storage material. Along with experimental measurements, the emission spectra can be stimulated suing theoretical model. The both emission spectra matched with each other.

Keywords: Luminescence, Eu2+, EVI parameter, Silicates.

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Amol Nande, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Guru Nanak College of Science, Ballarpur, Maharashtra, India.
Nande A, Synthesis and Luminescence Studies of Eu2+ doped MgSiO3 Inorganic Phosphors for Energy Storage Phosphors. J.Con.Ma. 2024;2(1):24-26.
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2024-02-02 2024-03-05 2024-03-25
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Authors state no conflict of interest. Funded under Minor Research Scheme The conducted research is not related to either human or animals use. 12.23 All authors have accepted responsibility for the entire content of this manuscript and approved its submission.

© 2024by Nande Aand Published by Condensed Matter Research Society. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].

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Luminescent materials are the inorganic and organic materials which are the combination of host compound and dopant materials [1]. These materials produce light energy under the excitation of external source like light or electricity [1]. These materials are referred as phosphors. These materials are highly used in LEDs, lasers, displays, pharmaceuticals etc [2][3]. The rare-earth materials like Ce3+ and Eu2+ are very sensitive to around crystal field environment and produce broad emission under the excitation of particular wavelength [4][5]. The emission of Eu2+ doped inorganic phosphors is generally due to the parity allowed 4f-5d transitions. Also, persistent or broad emission inorganic phosphors always have strong quantum yield value and high storage capacity [6]. Thus, these materials show prominent applications in the field of energy storage.

Terraschke et al. [6] provide a detail review based on 321 research paper and suggest that Eu2+ ions have electron transition between 4f6 to 4f7 energy states which are strongly influenced by host lattice. Thus, Eu2+ based inorganic phosphors open for many applied applications. Wang et al. [7] studied LaSrAl2O3:Eu2+ inorganic phosphors and suggests the phosphor can be a good material for optical storage device. Li et al. [8] synthesized SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ inorganic phosphors and study the effect of Pb2+ ions on them. The work suggests that the material can be a promising material for information storage applications.

In this work, we synthesized MgSiO3:Eu2+ compound using modified solid state reaction method. The excitation and emission spectra for the sample have been studied. Further, the theoretical emission spectra are stimulated using Electronic-Vibrational Interacting parameters.

Method and Synthesis

All starting reactants for the preparation of MgSiO3:Eu2+ inorganic phosphors were analytical reagent grade. The inorganic phosphor was prepared using modified solid-state reaction method. The phosphor was obtained using magnesium carbonate (MgCO3), silicic acid (SiO2.9H2O) and Eu2O3 in HNO3 as raw materials. All stoichiometrically weighed out materials were mixed together and crushed for

an hour. The mixture later heated to 800 °C for 6 hours; after 6 hours the mixture cooled down and crushed for another one hour. Afterwards, the mixture gain heated for 900 °C for 12 hours. After 12 hours, the sample kept for cooling to reach to room temperature. Once sample reached to room temperature it crushed for another hours using mortar pastel and powder sent for characterizations.

Result and Discussion

The excitation spectrum for the phosphor is measured for 456 nm emission wavelength, as shown in Figure 1 (black lines). The observed broad excitation spectrum observed between 260 nm to 400 nm. The observed excitation peak was centered at 329 nm which corresponds to (8S7/2) 4f7 ground state → 4f65d1 Excited state [9][10]. The broad excited band suggests the phosphor can be excited using near-Ultra Violet wavelength. It further suggests that Eu2+ is the only luminescent center and occupied the same sites in the lattice producing symmetry excited peaks.

Figure 1: Excitation and emission spectra of MgSiO3:Eu2+ inorganic phosphor

The emission spectrum for the phosphor is measured for 329 nm excited wavelength, as shown Figure 2 (blue dotted line). The emission spectrum showed a broad peak between 410 nm to 650 nm and the peak centered at 456 nm. The emission observed in blue region corresponding to 4f65d configuration to the 8S7/2 level of the electronic configuration.

The experimental emission graph can be stimulated by calculating electron-vibrational interaction parameters such as stokes shift, Huang-Rhys factor, effective phonon energy and zero

phono line position [11][12]. The parameters ultimately used to stimulate emission parameter using following equation [13] –
Here, m is the effective number of phonons occurred during emission transition. E0 is the zero-phonon energy. S is Huang-Rhys coupling constant. ħ, w, k, T, and E are Plank’s constant, angular velocity, Boltzmann constant, temperature, and energy at a given wavelength respectively. The stimulated emission peak is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Experimental and stimulated emission spectra for MgSiO3:Eu2+ inorganic phosphor

The estimated value of S and ħw are 2.71 and 758 cm-1, respectively. From figure it is clear that there is a good matched with experimental and stimulated data.


The synthesized MgSiSO3:Eu2+ inorganic phosphors successfully made using modified solid state reaction method. The excitation and emission spectra confirmed the luminescence was due to Eu2+ rare-earth metal ions. The excitation spectrum was broad and was due to 8S7/2 state → 4f65d1 state and emission spectrum was also broad which was due to 4f65d1 state → 8S7/2 transition. This confirms the doping occurred in the phosphor successfully. Further, the electron-vibration interaction study showed that the experimental

emission spectrum can be stimulated using theoretical model. This phosphor shows promising results and can be used for LEDs and storage devices.


The author like to thank Gondwana University, Gadchiroli for providing fund to carry out present research work under minor research scheme (reference letter No. /GUG/DIIL/612/2020).


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