Synthesis and Luminescence Studies of Eu2+ doped MgSiO3 Inorganic Phosphors for Energy Storage Phosphors
Nande A1
1 Amol Nande, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Guru Nanak College of Science, Ballarpur, Maharashtra, India.
The inorganic luminescence materials are widely studies for several applications including displays, light emitting didoes, energy storage etc. In this research work, the authors have synthesized MgSiO3:Eu2+ inorganic phosphor using modified solid state reaction method. The prepared samples were sent for photoluminescence to study emission and excitation properties. The emission and excitation properties show broad peak which are suitable for long lasting luminescence behaviour. Thus, this material can be a good candidate for energy or data storage material. Along with experimental measurements, the emission spectra can be stimulated suing theoretical model. The both emission spectra matched with each other.
Keywords: Luminescence, Eu2+, EVI parameter, Silicates.
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, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Guru Nanak College of Science, Ballarpur, Maharashtra, India.Nande A, Synthesis and Luminescence Studies of Eu2+ doped MgSiO3 Inorganic Phosphors for Energy Storage Phosphors. J.Con.Ma. 2024;2(1):24-26. Available From |